
Kilcoole Music Festival, currently celebrating its 66th year, is one of the oldest and most renowned Music Festivals in the country.
Since its inception back in 1955 by the District Nurse at the time; Mary Kieran, the festival has grown from a half day of competitions to its present day format with six days of competitions in vocal, choral, instrumental and orchestral music and speech and drama also.
The aim of the Kilcoole Music Festival is to provide a platform for children and adults to perform in public. The Festival boasts performances of a very high standard and attracts some of the most highly qualified adjudicators in the country along with extremely talented competitors, both local and national.
This year the Kilcoole Music Festival will take place in Coláiste Chraobh Abhann, our local Secondary School to whom we are most grateful for their invaluable support.
In response to demand this year, we now have added an Official Festival Accompanist for Vocal Competitions only, excluding Choral Competitions.
All Vocal competitions with set pieces will be required to use the Official Festival Accompanist.
All Vocal own choice competitions may use the Official Festival Accompanist or may bring their own Accompanist.
If competitors in own choice Vocal competitions wish to use the Festival Accompanist, their music must be provided at the time of entry. Music should be emailed to mary.hanley@kilcoolemusicfestival.ie
Competition Entry Forms are available on this website.
Competition Dates & Times will be posted after the Closing Date.